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Vote Yes - Citizens Petition #3

The CLPA Board has filed a citizens petition for the Town of Windham  election on March 13, 2012. We are asking that the Windham voters enact an ordinance protecting Canobie Lake.  For simplicity, we are asking them to extend the same rules of the 2010 Cobbetts Pond Watershed Protection Ordinance to include Canobie Lake.  This step was recommended by our engineer consultant, in his watershed study as presented at our annual meeting last July and has the support of the Windham Planning Board with a 7-0 vote. We're happy to report that we have talked with a subcommittee of the Windham Economic Development Committee, and they have decided to support the ordinance.  They have some concerns about implementation, and we have agreed to cooperate with them and all involved groups, to improve the ordinance if needed.

We have received strong letters of support for the ordinance.  One is from the president of the NH Lakes Association.  Another is from the NH Department of Environmental Services.  And another is from the Director of the Salem Public Works Department. Please click on the links below to read the letters of support.

Russell LOS for Canobie

20111212 LOS DES to Windham

NHLakes LOS Canobie WPO

Remember, we need your help in our campaign! Please talk to your friends and neighbors to get out the vote in support of protecting our wonderful natural resource, Canobie Lake.  Encourage everyone you know to be sure to cast their vote on March 13th and, especially, to vote YES for the citizens petition to extend the Cobbetts Pond Watershed Ordinances to include Canobie Lake.   Here is a list of reasons to vote in favor of our petition.

                                                             WHY VOTE TO EXTEND

                                        THE COBBETTS POND WATERSHED ORDINANCE

                                                     TO INCLUDE CANOBIE LAKE?

To preserve and protect the quality of the water in Canobe Lake   Currently, Canobie Lake is  an exceptional (class A) natural resource and drinking water reservoir for the town of Salem. 78% of Canobie Lake’s Watershed is in the Town of Windham and would be protected by this ordinance.

To comply with the 2005 Windham Master Plan  It identifies the “need to improve water supply protection efforts”.

To insure that “storm water runoff” does not contribute to deterioration of water quality

The “watershed” of Canobie Lake is that area around the lake where storm waters from rain and runoff eventually feed into the lake.  Storm water runoff is the greatest contributor of pollutants and contaminants.

To prevent a situation where expensive restoration would be needed  Cobbett's Pond restoration is estimated to cost $4 million.

To manage conscientious development while not preventing development within the watershed  The Cobbett's Pond Watershed Ordinance was overwhelmingly voted for and has proven to be successful.

To minimize impervious surfaces within the watershed  The greatest contributing factor to deterioration of water quality is an increase in impervious surfaces within the watershed.  Any such increase would prevent water to filter through the ground before feeding into the lake. Ordinances limiting any increase in impervious surfaces will help protect and maintain the current water quality.

Thank you for helping to preserve and protect Canobie Lake.   Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

 The CLPA Board of Directors