2011 Annual Meeting Report

Refreshments T-shirt Sales

Minutes of Annual Meeting  7/16/2011   (draft to be approved at annual meeting 2012)

Meeting called to order at 9:30 AM at Searles School and Chapel

In attendance (a quorum): Bill Schroeder, president; Ginny Campiola, secretary; Betty Dunn, treasurer; Marie Maio, Dave Blake, Mary Warren, and Odie Odierna, directors, and approximately 22 other members of the CLPA

Bill Schroder

Welcome and introduction of CLPA Board by Pres Bill Schroeder

Agenda passed out to all

Thank You to volunteers

Report by Bill Schroeder of Years accomplishments (VLAP, Monitor I93 project, 4th of July Parade, Log removal, fishing, meeting with manager of Town of Salem, monitoring of Salem and Transfer of water issue, loon raft and monitoring)

Update on Loons and visit by Loon biologist by Dick Hannon

Treasurer’s report   Refer to report as on Annual meeting handout.  Question of interest earned – not available on a  nonprofit checking account

Membership Voting:     Motion to:   adopt the dues at $25 for the coming year.  Discussion of why not 2 park tickets for one membership as in the past.  All 200 passes were used last year as is projected for this year.       2nd and approved

Nick Sceggell

Introduction of Nick Sceggell. Granite State Rural Water Association.

Click here to view the 2011 Watershed Drainage Study

Points of interest included;

What is a watershed?

Why track phosphorous?, Town of Salem requested that DOT increase the watershed for Canobie to maximize water replenishment, Canobie has a small watershed for such a large body of water indicating that it has underground water replenishment, Canobie may have 80% spring fed (Per Dave Blake),  Attorney Post asked if the line denoting the watershed is an officially recognized and accepted boundary line – it was designated by NH DOT and is used in the I93 project.  What are sources of problems from water runoff?

Storm Drainage mapping.  Canobie Watershed breakdown of impervious surfaces.  Canobie has higher impervious surface than Cobbetts.  Lawns are considered 30% impervious.  The Applewood golf course area is designated “recreation” use in the watershed study. Commercial development has 75% impervious.  What we can do to help.Reference to:  NH Homeowners Guide to Storm water Management  (available on line and will be printed in the future)

NH Residential Loading Model  (available on line).   Nick will be working through August and is available for reference and information

Brandon Dreyfuss

Presentation by Brandon Dreyfuss on his Eagle Scout project to clean up the conservation lots on West Shore Road.

Betty Dunn

Presentation by Betty Dunn on the Pine Ridge Road lot that is owned by CLPA.  Donated in 1981, appraised $9,000, taxes $200/year      Stream through property so in WWPD  What should be done?  Donate to conservation, sell, etc?     Asked members for input.

For the future:  Dick Hannon asked that CLPA board take an active role in requesting that NH DOT install adequate sound barriers to maximize noise reduction from 93.  Bill Schroeder discussed communication that he has had with DOT- Newer style barriers help with areas close to the barrier on both sides but do not help with areas far away (as is the other side of the lake).  Discussion continued about the Squire Armor Road request for sound barriers and the findings that are based on federal guidelines that deny them approval.Report of DOT plans to leave the old north bound lane area from Common Man south as conservation land.  The asphalt will be removed and plantings installed.  Hopefully they will help as a sound barrier.  Also, the CLPA may decide to write to the NH DOT in support of maintaining the elevation of the road bed in the area of the retention ponds so as to act as a sound barrier.

Meeting adjourned 11:20 AM

Ginny Campiola

Thank you to Secretary Ginny Campiola for taking the minutes

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