2019 Annual Meeting Highlights
The Annual Meeting of the Canobie Lake Protective Association was held on Sunday, July 28, 2019 at the Searles School in Windham, NH.
The meeting recognized Ginny Campiola with a standing ovation. She is retiring as Secretary after 17 years of service on the board. She has been responsible for membership drives, maintained the membership list, composed the regular newsletters and done many other things too numerous to list. She was given a personalized embroidered carry-all bag, and a gift card as tokens of our appreciation.
President Don Piccirillo announced that the board's nominees for the expiring terms are:
Betty Dunn – Treasurer
Tracy Acker – Secretary
Tanya Donnelly – Director from Salem
Don said that no other candidates had applied for these positions. The nominees were unanimously elected. The terms are for two years each.
Don summarized several topics that the CLPA has been working on:
Water Quality: We continue to take water samples as part of the NHDES VLAP program and extra samples monthly for chloride monitoring. The overall water quality continues to be good, and the clarity and chlorophyll levels are high quality. Chloride levels continue to be high, which is not good. This is caused mostly by road salt. Monitoring needs to continue and best practices encouraged. Details are given in the handout.
Southern NH Regional Water Line – Salem voters overwhelmingly supported the warrant article needed to make this project a reality. The CLPA, Arlington Pond Protective Association, Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce and many other civic organizations supported this. Water could be flowing in this pipeline by June 15, 2020. Details are given in the handout.