We're back online!

The Canobie Lake website is operational again.  Sorry that we were offline for several weeks.  Our website was hacked by an unknown intruder, so we took it offline for your protection.  We hired a company (WebUNITED) to rebuild it and install it on a different server, which we believe will be more secure.  It will take us a while to replace all the information that was on the old site.  We will be replacing content for several more weeks.  Thanks for your patience!

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Good news! Lakes recovering from acid rain

Whatever happened to acid rain?  Remember how we used to talk about how our lakes were getting more acid, and fish couldn't reproduce, etc. ?  There's good news to share. Acid rain is diminishing, and our lakes in New England are cleaning up from it. Quote from a recent research study:

“This is really good news for New England. Lakes are accelerating in their recovery from the past effects of acid rain. Our data clearly demonstrate that cleaning up air pollution continues to have the desired effect of improving water quality for our region’s lakes,” said NHAES researcher William McDowell, professor of environmental science and director of the NH Water Resources Research Center.

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General, WaterGuest User
Boat Parade Winners

The July 4 Canobie Lake Boat Parade went off without a hitch... on July 5.  The weather was beautiful then. Thanks to all 15 boats that participated.  Everyone seemed to have a great time. The judges had difficulty deciding on the prizes, with all the fine entries.  Below are photos of the winners, taken by Jay Johnson and Marian Westerberg.

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EventsGuest User
Boat Parade postponed to July 5 at 1 PM

We kept hoping the weather forecast for tomorrow would improve, but it hasn't.  They are forecasting rain, and heavy rain, from 9 AM through 5 PM.  Not much fun boating in that! The forecast for Saturday, July 5, is very good.  So we will postpone the parade until Saturday at 1 PM.  Please join us then for a fun Independence Day celebration.  We'll enjoy it much more then!

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EventsGuest User
Boat Parade Time?

Currently (July 3, 10 AM), rain is forecast for July 4.  Our "decision team" would like to wait until this evening to decide on postponement.  They argue that hurricanes do change course, slow down, etc., and they would hate to postpone only to find that the weather is OK on July 4.  We'll put a notice here this evening. If we do postpone, it will likely be to Saturday at 1 PM.  Sorry for the uncertainty.

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EventsGuest User
Loons not nesting this year

Our resident loon pair is not nesting this year.  The Loon Society biologist has visited Canobie Lake twice, and he doesn't know why they are not.  He says there are plenty of good sites to nest, in addition to our raft.  They do not appear to be unduly disturbed by people or critters.  Best guess - they just don't feel like it. Sometimes "our" pair is joined by a third loon.  The biologist thinks the third loon is a single female.  Sometimes the three swim close together; sometimes two of them fight.  It is possible the presence of the third loon is upsetting the pair, but not certain.

The time window to nest and produce a chick which would be viable by the end of the summer is rapidly closing.  Too bad!

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LoonsGuest User
CLPA Annual Meeting and Social

Mark your calendars, please.  We're having our annual meeting and social on Sunday July 27 at 6:30 PM, at the Searles School, 3 Chapel Road in Windham (next to Delahunty's Nursery). We're trying a different time and format this year.  Let us know how you like it.  We're planning an enjoyable outing, a "party", with dessert and light adult beverages.  The agenda will include election of officers for next year.

If any member is interested in serving on the board of CLPA, please contact any board member in advance, and come to the meeting on 7/27/14.

We're looking forward to seeing many good friends, and catching up!

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CLPA, EventsGuest User
4th of July Boat Parade

Join the festivities by decorating your boat and joining the parade!  On Friday July 4th at 1 PM the parade will start at Rocky Point, then proceed around the lake and end where it began.  (Check our web site (here) for notice of any last minute changes due to inclement weather.) Last year's winners, Michael and Alyssa Schoenfeld will lead the parade.  Our kayaking judges will determine and present the prizes: $100 for first place, 2nd place - 4 passes to Canobie Lake Park and 3rd place - 2 passes.  Thanks to our generous sponsor - Canobie Lake Park.

This event is always a lot of fun.  If you're not going to be in the parade, please participate by cheering and waving from shore.  Best wishes for a happy and healthy and safe 4th of July... Happy Birthday USA!!

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EventsGuest User
Accidental Water Discharge from I-93

On Thursday, July 18, a large amount of water was released from the I-93 construction project.  It flowed through a cross pipe under I-93, and then followed a stream channel down hill to a culvert under South Shore Road, adjacent to #46 South Shore Road.  When it emerged from that culvert, it went straight into Canobie Lake. Eyewitnesses reported that the water was dirty and very smelly - it smelled like sewage.  The flow was so great that the culvert couldn't handle it.  The water rose behind the culvert, and flowed over the top of South Shore Road.  Dave Blake, one of our CLPA directors, observed the incident and recorded videos. The incident occurred about noon.  It was not raining at the time. The high flow condition continued for twenty or thirty minutes.

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General, WaterGuest User